Hi, I’m
Amy Pottenger!

I know first hand what it’s like to be running a business while raising kids and cultivating a thriving marriage. It’s a lot.
It’s my mission to use my 15+ years of experience to create a lifeline for entrepreneurial mamas, helping them realize the homes of their dreams.
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Your kitchen + your wellbeing

The state of your kitchen has a direct impact on your health. I believe every room in your house can either add to or take away from your quality of life- that means how your home functions + looks has a direct impact on your quality of life. And the good news? YOU have the power to change it to suit your needs. Read on to find out how your kitchen might be blocking you in creating your ultimate vitality and well being, and make changes in these areas to create a kitchen that helps support your health goals!

Your Kitchen Space: Common Blocks to Health + Vitality:
- Your kitchen projects the energy of overwhelm + clutter: Your home environment (like all environments really!) is an energetic one. What kind of energy does your current kitchen radiate when you walk in? If you have clutter and random things piled high on your counters, no system of organization- can you also feel a sense of stress and overwhelm when you start thinking about your health and taking care of yourself? If you carry extra clutter in your kitchen, that might also translate to how you’re treating your body.

- Neglecting Your needs: Maybe you’re making do with an outdated space that comes no where near serving your needs. An example of this would be living with a 1940’s kitchen layout, using appliances from the 90’s, in 2022. The way of life was different then, families functioned differently than they do now- you have different needs that deserve to be addressed. Have you also neglected taking care of your health needs and nourishing your body? Are you “making do” with a lifestyle that doesn’t help you reach your goals, or trying to change your health with old, outdated ideas that no longer bring the results you want?

- Style Issues: Does your kitchen reflect the kind of space you LOVE to be in? Does your kitchen fit your lifestyle, whether that’s relaxed, formal or somewhere in between? Is the room full of your favorite colors that motivate you want to be in that space creating healthy food for yourself and those you love? Or are you living with someone else’s kitchen- Something designed for someone completely different than you, fitting tastes that aren’t yours. Perhaps along your health journey you’re doing this too- trying to fit yourself into someone else’s ideal by subjecting yourself to trendy ways of eating that aren’t right for you. Or you’re following the latest fad instead of what actually makes you feel amazing.

How is YOUR kitchen space blocking you in creating the life and health you want? If you want to learn more about this topic and find out what to do about it, stay in touch by joining our newsletter so you can be the first to join our 4 day empowered home challenge coming this fall, all about identifying how your home might be blocking your create Health, Wealth, Connection and Love! Can’t wait for the challenge? Book a design power session with me!