Hi, I’m
Amy Pottenger!

amy pottenger interior designer

I know first hand what it’s like to be running a business while raising kids and cultivating a thriving marriage. It’s a lot.

It’s my mission to use my 15+ years of experience to create a lifeline for entrepreneurial mamas, helping them realize the homes of their dreams.

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RD’s Year in Review- 2022

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Come along with me on a quick little journey to look back over 2022 and all the ways we chatted about creating the magic of an empowered home! I hope these tips + tricks helped bring you more peace, joy and fulfillment through the lens of your home environment. And, if you missed any of these or just need a reminder, keep reading- it’s never to late to add a little home alchemy to the mix of your life! Here we go:

This year, we addressed the nemesis of every home: CLUTTER. We looked at your mindset when entering a decluttering/cleanout project, executed a simple strategy to edit your stuff and implemented a daily re-set to support your new organized lifestyle. If you didn’t grab our home organizing freebie, you can get it here! It’s all about how organizing your home can support your goals. If you’d prefer to listen in to some of my tips about home organizing, then check out this podcast.

We also chatted about ways that your home can support your health. Did you realize your environment can actually help influence your behavior? Try setting up your home in a way that supports your mental, emotional/spiritual and physical needs, and grab our Healthy Home Tips if you’re ready to implement this in your own living spaces!

I introduced you to the concept of the “energy of home”- how our home’s energy directly corresponds to our own. This is one of my favorite topics because if you get this concept and take action to make positive changes in your home- it can change your life!

Remember all the chats about the importance of your workspace and how that corresponds to your purpose + prosperity? Here’s some goodies if you need a refresher:

Tips for a multifunctional home office space,

discover how your home office can support your business success,

tips for working moms with a home office

our home office room resource

Lastly, as we close out 2022 and look ahead to 2023, I am so grateful for all of my people- whether you connected with me on social media, through my course, my blog, locally through my residential design services or online with a design consultation or discovery call, please know that it has truly been amazing + humbling to have the opportunity to serve you!

I am beyond excited to teach you more in the coming year about my latest concept- the empowered home– and how your living spaces can create the ultimate catalyst to facilitate the life you’ve been dreaming of.

If you’re interested in the latest design tips, ideas and actionable inspiration- and if you want more than just an “instagram worthy” home- please, come join the journey with us! Have a delightful holiday season and the happiest of new years. See you in 2023!

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