Hi, I’m
Amy Pottenger!

I know first hand what it’s like to be running a business while raising kids and cultivating a thriving marriage. It’s a lot.
It’s my mission to use my 15+ years of experience to create a lifeline for entrepreneurial mamas, helping them realize the homes of their dreams.
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New Series: Use your home to support your family’s back to school transition, part 1

Yep, it’s here again, back to school time. (wasn’t it just June yesterday?!?)
Before you close this window and start remembering all the back to school stuff you have to do, take a breath. Remember the whole point of upgrading your home is not just to make things pretty or add to your already too full to-do list- it’s to create an environment that supports you and – dare I say- makes your life easier + better!
Whenever you’re switching up a routine (or creating a new habit!) take advantage of your home environment to help support you along the way. This month we’ll be sharing some of our favorite focus areas in your home that can help support you as you make the transition to all the fall activities!
Up first…
Create a Family Drop Zone

Why You Want This:
Think of your drop zone as a “command station” for all the things. In my house, anything we can do to stop the “I can’t find my shoe” as we’re trying to walk out the door is a win. A drop zone gives you a place to store the items that travel most frequently outside then back into your home. A cue to put things away right as you walk in the door. An intentionally planned drop zone space can provide a lot of peace amidst the chaos of daily life! Knowing where you put your keys/purse/kid backpack etc = peaceful awesomeness.
“But I Don’t Have a Mudroom”…
You might hear “drop zone” and think of the beautifully elaborate mudrooms from some of our previous designs. While the thoughtful features of a custom home’s mudroom are amazing, you can incorporate a drop zone space in your home, even if you don’t have a separate room or if your space has more than one function (like carving out a space in your laundry or kitchen!). Let’s look at the area you currently have and from there we can create something that works better for your family.
Places you could put a drop zone:
- Your home’s back entrance (utilize your vertical space and use things like wall folder pockets and hooks for function)

- Your home’s front entrance ( add a cute bench, baskets and hooks!)

- Design a dedicated mudroom space (new build or renovation):

Some key things to add in your drop zone space:
- a dedicated place for the kids to put their backpacks + coats
- a dedicated place for the adults to put purses/work bags + coats
- a dedicated place for all things paper (kids homework, mail, etc)
- shoe storage
- key hooks
- technology station (charge + store devices)
- message board (white board, pin board or dry erase calendar if you need a visual to go along with your google calendar)
- Anything else you might find helpful (pet leashes and supplies, sports equipment, etc!)- make a quick list of your needs before you start re-arranging then zone out your area!

Taking a minute to thoughtfully create a drop zone space for your home is worth it! I’d love to see the drop zone space you use for your family- comment below with yours!
Stay tuned for Part 2 of our Series: Use your home to support your family’s back to school transition– all about refining the workspaces in your home (for kids and adults!)