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Amy Pottenger!

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I know first hand what it’s like to be running a business while raising kids and cultivating a thriving marriage. It’s a lot.

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3 Small, Simple Steps to Take Back Your Home from Quarantine Craziness

photo by Ashley Avila

3 Simple Steps You Can Do Today

It’s been a couple months now that we’ve been mostly in our homes, and it’s getting real, am I right? With little humans, pre-teen humans, adult humans and furry family members, yes, our houses have supported us, but they’ve also taken a beating and not gotten much of a break during our stay-at-home adventures.

If things have gotten a bit out of hand at your house, try these 3 simple steps to get a hold on the crazy and get back to a home that brings you peace, productivity and joy!

photo by Ashley Avila

TIP 1: Focus on ONE ROOM that you will make an effort to maintain sanity in for the majority of the time. This means, no matter what other levels of crazy are happening in the rest of the house, this ONE ROOM will be clean and orderly (as much as possible). If you have littles at home, it might be easiest to make this room your bedroom, because you can shut the door and keep all-the-people-and-animals out of it more easily.

You know the phrase “control what you can control” that’s being thrown around quite a bit right now? That’s the idea with this tip. A lot of the time when you live with an active family, your house will feel out of control more than if feels orderly and peaceful (that’s normal, friend) so give yourself the gift of one peaceful room that stays that stays mostly peaceful!

photo by Ashley Avila

TIP 2: Take 30 minutes (or less) at the end of the day to re-set your Kitchen. This is something I try to do daily because it helps my level of sanity so much. The kitchen is often the most used/most abused room in your home- sink piled with dishes, leftover snack crumbs on the table or wrappers on the floor, etc. 

If I wake up in the AM and see a sink piled with dirty dishes and a giant mess in my kitchen, I want to run away and hide in my bed. Who wants to wake up feeling like you’re already behind? No thanks. That 30 minutes the night before helps me start the next day feeling energized instead of drained.

photo by Ashley Avila

TIP 3: Become a Conscious Observer of your Home. What’s working for you? What isn’t working? Step outside of your normal for a minute and observe your home like you aren’t the person living there 24/7. If you were helping your bestie, what things would you notice and help her change?  

The idea with this tip is to make things easier on yourself by establishing systems for your home and making your rooms work for you instead of the other way around. (Because your home should serve YOU, remember!)

Some examples of questions to ask yourself/things to notice: What items in your kitchen are you using the most? Are they in an easily accessible/easy to put away location or are you having to move other things around to get to them?

How is the traffic flow through your living room? Do you have a chair that feels in the way that you always bump into? Where could you move it that works better in the room?

Keep a running list in your phone of the things you notice and tackle them, one day at a time.

photo by Ashley Avila

Taking note of and changing the small things is the key to bringing back the peace, productivity and joy to your home, even when you’re there all-the-days with all-the-people. You can do this, sister. Progress over perfection.

Here’s to keeping it simple!



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